In this tutorial, I am going to build our own digital clock with python & Tkinter GUI
-> Python Functions
->Tkinter basic
->Time Module
First, create a python file, you can name anything. I am naming
Importing the necessary modules
from tkinter import *
from time import t
Now we need to create UI for clock
root = Tk()
Next we set the title for clock
root.title('Digital Clock')
Now. let's create the function for our clock. I name it as time(). we will use strftime method to get the day & time and store it inside a string. Let's the name the string as dt. Now it's time to provide the time format.
def time():
dt = t.
strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y \n %I:%M:%S%p")
Next step, to set the label using config method.
label.config(text = dt)
We can call our clock function and use the after method to do the same. We would like to call it every second, so that will be our first parameter.
label.after(1000, clock)
Let's design the Label
label =
Moving forward let's call our time function() and at the end we will call mainloop(). That's it and we are done. Run your program & it will look like this given below!