C++ tokens


The smallest individual unit in a program is known as a token or a lexical unit.

C++ has the following tokens:

Keywords: Keyword is a word having special meaning reserved by programming language.

C++ has the following keyword:
asm       class          double     float       inline         private
auto       const        delete      for           int              protected  
break     continue   else         friend      long           register
case       default     enum       goto        new            return
catch      do            extern      if            operator      short
switch    struct      typedef     void        while

Identifiers: Identifiers are fundamental building blocks of a program and are used as the general terminology for the names given to different parts of the program.

The following are some valid identifiers:

Myfile      DATE9_7_77
_CHK           FILE13

The following are some invalid identifiers:

DATA-REC          contains special character -(other than A-                                  Z,a-z and -)
29CLCT               Starting with a digit
break                    reserved  keyword
My.file                 contains special character dot (.)

Literals: Literals are data items that never change their value during a program run.

C++ allows several kinds of literals:
1.bool  literal
2.integer  constant
3.character  constant
4.floating  constant
5.string  literal


The following characters are used as punctuators in C++:

[  ]    ( )    { }    ,      ;      :     *     ...     =    #

Brackets[  ]
Opening and closing brackets indicate single and multidimensional array subscripts.

Parentheses ( )
Opening and closing parentheses indicate function calls and function parameters. Parentheses also group expressions and isolate conditional expressions.

Braces {  }
Opening and closing braces indicate the start and end of a compound statement.

Comma  ,
It is used as a separator in a function argument  list.

Semicolon ;
It is used as a statement terminator. Every executable statement is terminated by a semicolon( ; ).

Colon :
It indicate a labeled statement.

Asterisk  *
It is used for pointer declaration.

Ellipsis ...
Ellipsis( ... ) are used in the formal argument lists of function prototypes to indicate a variable number of argument.

Equal to  =
It is used  for variable initialisation and as an assignment operator in expressions.

pound sign #
The pound sign is used for preprocessor directive and double pound sign (##) is also used as operators to perform token replacement and merging during the preprocessor scanning phase.

Operators are that trigger some computation when applied to variables and other objects in an expression.

1.Unary operators
Unary operator are those operator which contains only single operands.

Following are some unary operators:
&    address operator
*     indirection operator
+     unary plus
-      unary minus
+ +   increment operator
- -   decrement operator
!      logical negation

2.Binary operators
binary operator are those which contain two operands.
Following are some binary operators:

Arithmetic operators                           Logical operators
+ addition                                                && logical AND
- subtraction                                             || Logical OR
* multiplication                         
/ division
% modulus

Bitwise operators                              Assignment operators
&     bitwise AND                                      =    assignment
^      bitwise exclusive OR                        /=  assign quotient
|      bitwise OR                                         +=   assign sum

Relational operators
<        less than
>        greater than                                
 <=      less than or equal to
>=      greater than or equal to
= =     equal to
 !=      not equal to

conditional operators